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Jackson Center Opens 11th Annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogues

Robert H. Jackson Center will open the 11th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogues (IHLD), with a two-part program. The program features the conferral of the Joshua Heinz Award for Humanitarian Achievement and an unprecedented interview with the former and current Chief International Co-Prosecutors for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), commonly referred to as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Robert H. Jackson Center President Susan Moran Murphy made the announcement.  


International Humanitarian Law Dialogues

The International Humanitarian Law Dialogs (“Dialogues”) gather current and former international war crimes tribunal prosecutors, renowned academicians, and law experts to speak on current issues centered on a theme, allowing for meaningful discussions concerning contemporary international criminal law.


10th Annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs in Nuremberg: 70 Years Later

The 10th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs (IHLD), “A Lasting Legacy for the Future,” were held in Nuremberg, Germany on September 29-30, 2016 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the conclusion of the Nuremberg Trial for which Justice Robert H. Jackson served as Chief U.S. Prosecutor.


Benjamin Ferencz welcomes attendees to the 9th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs

Commencing the 2015 International Humanitarian Law Dialogs, Benjamin Ferencz provided a welcome address to the prosecutors and attendees. Screened at the Law Dialogs welcome dinner held at the Jackson Center on Sunday, August 30th, Ferencz welcomed guests and shared a special message on international law, the legacy of the Nuremberg Trials and the common goal of creating a world of peace.


9th Annual Law Dialogs: Signing of the Chautauqua Declaration

International Prosecutors, Ambassadors, diplomats, and legal scholars from around the globe came together in the name of humanity on August 31st and September 1st at Chautauqua Institution, a renowned arts and cultural community located in upstate New York, near Jamestown. The International Humanitarian Law Dialogs, hosted by the Robert H. Jackson Center, Jamestown, NY, is a historic gathering of renowned international Prosecutors from The International Criminal Court, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, The Special Court for Sierra Leone, Special Tribunal for Lebanon and The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, together with leading professionals in the field of International Humanitarian Law.


International Humanitarian Law Dialogs

The International Humanitarian Law Dialogs are a historic gathering of the current and former international war crimes tribunal prosecutors at the historic Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua NY. Annually, renowned academics and law experts are invited to speak on a current issues centered on a theme.


9th International Humanitarian Law Dialogs Schedule

The Robert H. Jackson Center announces the schedule and speakers for the  9th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs Monday August 31st- Tuesday September 1st at Chautauqua Institution. This year’s theme will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre and the 70th anniversary of the opening commencement of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremburg.


9th annual Law Dialogs: The Wrongs We Seek, The Prosecutors

The Robert H. Jackson Center announces the 9th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs scheduled for Monday August 31st- Tuesday September 1st at Chautauqua Institution. This year’s theme will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre and the 70th anniversary of the opening commencement of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremburg. Prosecutors this year include:


9th annual Law Dialogs:The Wrongs We Seek, Speakers and Panelists

The Robert H. Jackson Center announces the 9th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs scheduled for Monday August 31st- Tuesday September 1st at Chautauqua Institution. This year’s theme will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre and the 70th anniversary of the opening commencement of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremburg. Speakers and Panelist this year include:


Clara Barton Lecturer 2014

Each year the Law Dialogs host a lecturer who epitomizes the strength, determination, and dedication to healthcare Clara Barton embodied during her lengthy career. This year's lecturer is Kimberly Theidon.