The Law Dialogs are a historic gathering of the current and former international war crimes tribunal prosecutors at the historic Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua NY. Annually, renowned academics and law experts are invited to speak on a current issues centered on a theme. The Dialogs echo the sentiments of Justice Robert H. Jackson by recognizing international law as “one of the most significant tributes that power has ever paid to reason.”

Since the first Dialog in August 29, 2007, the conference continues to reach a wider audience allowing for meaningful discussions concerning contemporary international criminal law.

The Dialogs echo the sentiments of Justice Robert H. Jackson by recognizing international law as“one of the most significant tributes that power has ever paid to reason.”

Law Dialog Program

Annually highlights the Law Dialogs include a keynote speaker and roundtable discussions on the conference’s theme, updates from the current prosecutors, student sessions and break- out “porch sessions” on selected topics. Each year guest speakers are selected to deliver the following lectures:

Clara Barton Lecture, sponsored by the American Red Cross this lecture is presented by a speaker who epitomizes the strength, determination, and dedication to healthcare as Clara Barton.

Katherine B. Fite Lecture, sponsored by the intlawgrrls this lecture is presented by a speaker who epitomizes the intelligence, political savvy, and dedication to international humanitarian law Katherine B. Fite.

A Year in Review

The culminating event – the issuance of the Chautauqua Declaration is presented by all of the international Prosecutors in attendance. At the first Dialogs, prosecutors signed the Chautauqua Declaration calling on all nations to pursue justice as a matter of law. The declaration states, “the challenge for States and for the international community is to fulfill the promise of the law they created; to enforce judicial decisions; [and] to ensure the arrest and surrender of sought individuals….”

Annually the Law Dialogs continue to strive to honor these notions and to advance the field of international humanitarian.