Confronted with the decision of the Supreme Court, which took processing taxes away from the Government, and by the enactment of the soldiers’ bonus law, President Roosevelt has invited the Congress to consider a “form of tax which would accomplish an important tax reform, remove two major inequalities in our tax system, and stop ‘leaks’ in present surtaxes”. The proposed changes are in the taxes on corporations.
Publication Date
December 26, 1936
Station WEVD, March 26, 1936, RHJP Box 33.
Confronted with the decision of the Supreme Court, which took processing taxes away from the Government, and by the enactment of the soldiers' bonus law, President Roosevelt has invited the Congress to consider a "form of tax which would accomplish an important tax reform, remove two major inequalities in our tax system, and stop 'leaks' in present surtaxes". The proposed changes are in the taxes on corporations.
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