These are not difficult days, measured by what we have gone through, and what other parts of the world are going through. But they are uncomfortable days, and they are days in which a portion of the population which needs protection as consumers, may equally need protection as holders of jobs. It seems unrealistic, therefore, to think of the interests of the consumer today except in relation to our whole economic situation.
Publication Date
December 11, 1937
Address before the Consumers National Federation, 2 West 64 Street, New York City, December 11, 1937, RHJP Box 34.
These are not difficult days, measured by what we have gone through, and what other parts of the world are going through. But they are uncomfortable days, and they are days in which a portion of the population which needs protection as consumers, may equally need protection as holders of jobs. It seems unrealistic, therefore, to think of the interests of the consumer today except in relation to our whole economic situation.
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