In establishing the Town Hall of Buffalo you are founding one of the basic institutions of democratic government, and I count it a privilege to help. The price of free government is that citizens must keep themselves informed and alert and critical of those in office. Our people need uncensored facts and undistorted information. But also they need the diversity of interpretation of events and the clash of opinion which helps to form individual judgments, the sum of which constitutes public opinion.
Publication Date
December 10, 1940
Town Hall of Buffalo, New York, Erlanger Theater, February 10, 1940, RHJP Box 39.
In establishing the Town Hall of Buffalo you are founding one of the basic institutions of democratic government, and I count it a privilege to help. The price of free government is that citizens must keep themselves informed and alert and critical of those in office. Our people need uncensored facts and undistorted information. But also they need the diversity of interpretation of events and the clash of opinion which helps to form individual judgments, the sum of which constitutes public opinion.
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